Yoga Blog

A moment of calm stoked by immense gratitude

A few weekends ago I experienced one of those joyful moments again when a sense of absolute calm descended over me whilst sitting under the trees in the sunshine in one of my local restaurants, Molly's Speakeasy Village Restaurant. It is a moment when the world feels...

Trust, gratitude and a little rescue dog called Woodie

Trust, gratitude and a little rescue dog called Woodie

Sharing this story  of my little rescue dog, Woodie which has no direct link to yoga other than being kind to oneself, others and the universe! Trust has always been very important to me, in relationships and life in general. I was brought up with the belief that...



To what you may ask? I think the list can be endless. In my case it is definitely resistance to change. It is inevitable and part of our lives, but in my case, I really struggle to deal with it in a transformative way. On a day-to-day basis all appears to be going...

Living in unison with other beings

This past few days I spent on a retreat at the Bhodi Kaya Eco Sanctuary in the Cape mountains in the Walker Bay conservancy. This area has the highest density of fauna and flora diversity in the world, measured by size (smallest in the world). Winter time, when the...

How gratitude changed my perspective

How gratitude changed my perspective

Sometimes I find myself in a place where I forget to be deeply grateful for the little things in my life that brings me happiness and joy. I find that the day to day toil of keeping my head above water can make me forget and miss the opportunities to identify those...

Yoga during these uncertain times

Yoga during these uncertain times

During these uncertain times, the loss of control with disrupted routines and less access to our normal coping strategies can become overwhelming to even the most resilient among us. Furthermore, constant change will become the new norm, leading to more disruption and...

Yoga benefits

Yoga benefits

The health benefits of yoga International research has shown that yoga can have wide-ranging health benefits when practiced regularly. These include helping to relieve stress, improving emotional health, and easing back and neck pain, as well as supporting healthy...

A message of hope

A message of hope

This video appeared in my Facebook this morning and triggered many memories. This was my first solo trip after my husband passed away - Lares Trek Peru. Lares Trek to Machu Picchu Peru I often look back and ask myself how I managed to get to this point. I think back...

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